Linking to


Simply copy the olive color code below for the banner / button of your choice, then paste to your web site1x

To add this 160 x 30 pixel logo on your site:

      The Bilingual Internet Magazine

Banner code:

<1x-- Begin banner code -->
<A HREF="" target="_top">
<IMG SRC="" ALT="The Bilingual Internet Magazine" BORDER="1">
<1x-- End banner code-->

To add this 120 x 60 pixel logo on your site:

      The Bilingual Internet Magazine

Banner code:

<1x-- Begin banner code -->
<A HREF="" target="_top">
<IMG SRC="" ALT="The Bilingual Internet Magazine" BORDER="1">
<1x-- End banner code-->

To add this 88 x 31 pixel logo on your site:

      The Bilingual Internet Magazine

Use this code:

<1x-- Begin koreanday Logo -->
<A HREF="" target="_top">
<IMG SRC="" ALT="The Bilingual Internet Magazine" BORDER="1">
<1x-- End banner code-->

Other Available Banners

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

468 x 60

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

234 x 100

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

234 x 60

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

160 x 30

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

152 x 25

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

140 x 40

The Bilingual Internet Magazine

75 x 75